Sunday, July 12, 2015

Raúl Ilargi Meijer — Tsipras Invites Schäuble To Fall Into His Own Sword

Exposing the clown show with Schaüble as the head clown.
If that’s what Tsipras was aiming for, great. But even if he wasn’t, consciously, still great. The Troika is finished and will never be the same. Nor will the EU. Sometimes all you have to do is make someone so mad they’ll blow up, just find the right trigger point.
The Automatic Earth
Tsipras Invites Schäuble To Fall Into His Own Sword
Raúl Ilargi Meijer


Unknown said...

Only Ilargi's warped mind could suggest Tsipras' endless screwups are really part of his super-secret super-genius plot. There's such a thing as being a dumb loser and still winning.

Kristjan said...

Tom is an optimist. Yes, the Europe is falling apart. Then again, was this what Tsipras intended to? This whole thing is becaming a freak show. I don't think they (Syriza) are competent but may be this is all it takes to bring Europe on its knees. Tsipras is doing practically all they demand and they want to punish Greece so bad that they are demanding more and more. Ordinary Joe Six Packs are not paying attention to the demands or conditions, they just know that Greece has been a bad boy and needs to be punished. May be Tsipras is into something after all, this is a major embarrassment to the troika reforms that didn't work.

Schofield said...

"The accumulated debris had now been cleared from the Eurozone tablet of stone and much to the astonishment of those who had become accustomed to wearing the EU ideological blinkers the first rule said:-

'Human beings should make every effort to ensure that Vampire Squids are the primary creator and renter of money to human beings.'

Life was never quite the same again after this revelation!"

(H/T to George Orwell and his novel "Animal Farm.")

Anonymous said...

The most interesting thing emerging right now is the new mood in France and Italy. Something new is taking shape in Europe.

Kristjan said...

It looks like Greece is undermining euro big time.

All Likely Solutions to the Greek Debt Crisis Would Undermine the Euro

Read more at: