Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kristina Rus — American military expert to Ukraine: "Novorossia is lost"

The takeaway? HRC as president would be John McCain. Who lost Novorossia? HRC. This is her Kosovo.

What the report doesn't say is that HRC's people fomented this whole disaster. As far as I am concerned, this is the end of the Democratic Party unless it changes drastically. 

The good news is that if this a correct reading of the Obama Administration and its NSA there will be no wider war with Russia.

Fort Russ

Foreign Policy (reposted at Russia Insider)
Push for Ukraine Arms Comes from Obama Officials Who Want to Work for President Clinton
David Francis
Forget geopolitics and high strategy. US policy is all about the narrow, personal goals of Washington insiders


mike norman said...

I totally agree with you, Tom. The entire neocon coterie is comprised of Clinton acolytes. And Clinton is still the icon of the Democratic party.

On another note, here is HRC's current list of economic advisors; people she is consulting to formulate her economic policy should she become president.

Alan S. Blinder
Robert E. Rubin
Larry Summers
Alan B. Krueger
Peter R. Orszag

The same gang that fucked up everything while enriching themselves to no end.

PeterP said...

How exactly did HRC create the war in Ukraine? Did she send tanks from Russia? Or she cast the 70% of the vote that the pro-western parties got? I think it is the Ukrainians' fault - they wanted to decide on the future of their country and this is not how things work in Russia's vicinity.

Tom Hickey said...

HRC was the Secretary of State that put the people in place that employed "hybrid warfare" to promote a color revolution in Ukraine and pre-selected the leadership. I don't claim that HRC was the sole mastermind of this operation but she was one of the leading figures in it. Her hand is all over US neocon foreign policy in the Obama administration and since Obama went to great lengths to appoint her to the position, he was either culpably ignorant (stupid) or complicit in the neocon agenda of advancing US neoliberal interest under the guise of promoting freedom and American values, even to the extent of conducting a coup against a democratically elected government. Of course, the US has a long history of this in Latin America and the CIA recently admitted being instrumental in the 1953 anti-democratic coup in Iran.

See for example, Robert Parry, Neocons and the Ukraine Coup Feb 23 2014

PeterP said...

Um, the current situation has nothing to do with the Orange revolution. Do you know anything about Ukraine? You are so ignorant it is breathtaking. The Orange revolution led the pro western Yushchenko to power because Yanukovich stole the election. Then Yushchenko got discredited and pro-Russian Yanukovich won cleanly a couple years later. Since it was a clean election the West stood by.

I know of all the history of US inspired coups, this proves nothing about HRC. You need to cook up a relevant argument.

Tom Hickey said...

The previous Orange Revolution has exactly what to do with the recent coup that ousted Yanukovich?

According to BBC, there was no visible rightist activity in the protest leading to the first change of government, whereas in second revolution, the rightists were very visible and active.

Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call (ample documentation of US involvement through Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt)

New Video Evidence of America’s Coup in Ukraine — and What It Means

Renee Parsons, Chronology of the Ukrainian Coup at Counterpunch

Robert Parry, Neocons and the Ukraine Coup,

NYT Still Pretends No Coup in Ukraine,

NYT Is Lost in Its Ukraine Propaganda,

CIA’s Hidden Hand in ‘Democracy’ Groups

Max Blumenthal, Is the U.S. Backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? at AlterNet

Steve Weissman, Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev at Reader at Supported News